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"I wanted to write to thank you for the excellent training you have provided for our staff. The use of mobile technology in the classroom is an area that we as a school have been interested in exploring and developing. We had found it difficult to source quality, relevant training for this until we began our partnership with you.


The training that you, alongside Mr Skelcher, provided for our senior staff was fantastic. The apps that you demonstrated were all carefully selected to ensure that they were of use in the primary setting. The session was hands-on, engaging and fun. Your expertise enabled us to see the benefits to children, parents and staff, with lots of ideas on how they could be used across school.  The staff came away inspired and motivated to put the apps to use and we are already seeing the impact on learning in the classroom.

As a result of the training we are now reviewing key aspects of our provision, particularly around engaging parents through technology to involve them in their children’s learning. This is an exciting development and we are looking forward to working with you in the future to explore this further.


We have since booked additional members of staff onto training sessions with you and I have shared our experience with other schools in our Trust who are also now looking to work in partnership with you.


Exciting times ahead."



Dominic Davis


Summer In Southside

We worked with the Birmingham Hippodrome for their Summer In Southside Festival where we produced some 360 degree videos which allowed people to go on a virtual country walk.


Click the image above to view the article on the BBC website.

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