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Simon is a teacher in a Primary school who is quite into technology. Because of this, the Head has made him the lead for ICT for the whole school.

Simon had some funds available and decided to purchase a couple of classroom sets of iPads. Shortly after arriving, the iPads began to fill up with apps, videos and photos and the teachers and pupils were getting frustrated with them not having consistent content and apps.

Simon was also getting frustrated by having to maintain all 60 devices individually

whilst still doing his own job.

Eventually the iPads got put in a cupboard and forgotten about.


Sound familiar?



This is a story from a school we have worked with. They were sold iPads with the promise of ‘training’, however, this training was all about what you could do with the devices and nothing about how to actually do that.



Our focus is not just the tech, but how it can improve the lives of both pupils and teachers.



· Cut-down on the amount of marking.

· Easily track pupils’ progress.

· Share resources and prevent duplication.

· Reduce the amount of paperwork and printing you produce.

· Free up more time for you to actually teach!



"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important."

Bill Gates

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